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Resolve to peace out

The United Nations Security Council is essentially the only international body who’s word is law, and who’s decisions are not only necessary, but respected and even if not; must be followed. 

It is only your job to see to that. At the United Nations Security Council, nothing goes unnoticed; nothing doesn’t matter; and absolutely nothing doesn’t affect the way that the world as we know it, primarily functions. Given this, the Executive Board hopes for the most innovative solutions possible; that not only can win you an accolade, but also can be a step closer to having a better world.



1.   South Sudan crisis

In 1994, all major economic and military powers pledged that they would never let anything like it occur again, but they have. The political conflict in South Sudan has already taken 50,000 lives, displaced 2.3 million people, left 6 million hungry and shut down 70% of the schools in the region. At the time of its civil war with the rest of Sudan, the South Sudanese fought as a unified body, but post independence - 5 years ago, vastly different ethnic groups have started engage in armed conflict. It is now only up to the apex body of the United Nations to resolve this situation.

2.  Question of the demilitarisation of the Arctic

The Arctic Circle is believed to be one the world’s largest area of natural resources. With the recent increase in interest of militarising of the arctic by non-arctic countries, tensions have begun to rise in this part of the world. Delegates will not only have to diplomatically ensure the sovereignty of the Arctic but also prevent detrimental environmental impacts while ensuring that their respective countries’ agendas are met.

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In a MUN you play a game, in a JCC you are the game!

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Well, this year's SMUN has interesting committees with enthralling agendas and the Joint Crisis Cabinet is at the top of the list 

A Joint Crisis Cabinet consists of two committees of opposing sides of a War. The committee will progress in the future and will be shaped by your actions 



Indo-Pak War

Based in 2024, simulating a war between the most volatile countries on the planet, it is in your hands, delegates to shape the future of not only India and Pakistan, but the World. 


Here are some excerpts 

A Pakistani Missile strikes Ayodhya.... the Indian Government ceases to exist.... a war cabinet is formed with Rahul Gandhi as the Prime Minister.

Formal War hasn’t yet been declared, what happens next is up to you, the delegates.


So, Delegates come to the JCC and decide the fate of the world


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The right to say what you believe is right

The United Nations Human Rights Committee is a committee solely dedicated to look upon violations of human rights around the world and to deliberate on solutions and regarding the same.

The UNHRC of SMUN '19 will be looking into two comprehensive agendas which for the first time ever, will NOT be country specific, which means that every single country has an equal opportunity to participate and stay involved. The agendas aim to stay relevant and conducive for both first timers and experienced delegates.Most importantly they allow delegates to talk about each particular problem on a worldwide scale. 



1.   Human trafficking and migrant smuggling

An issue tormenting almost all countries world over, the only difference lies in its cause and the intentions of the perpetrators. Heated debates on the causes and methods to tackle the issue at hand with regards to different countries are inevitable.


2.  Evaluating the potential human rights violations with regards to freedom of speech and developments   in technology 

In this strategically vague and non restrictive agenda, Everything from freedom of speech to censorship of the media or even crimes against journalists would be discussed.


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Judge what you witness

Have you ever wondered what it's like to have the power to check those running our country... To have a brush to paint its future, in your hands... You needn't wonder anymore. In the Supreme Court of India at SMUN 2019, Delegates as Advocates and Judges will be entrusted with the aforementioned powers. Based on evidence presented, the SCI will decide Mr. Narendra Modi’s fate. Well, the destiny of the 'Paradoxical Prime Minister' is in now your hands. Come, be a part of His-tory.



Discussing Petition against clean-chit given to Narendra Modi by SIT in 2012 in relation to 2002 Gujarat riots.

This year, the SCI will convene to discuss a rather polarizing issue... An agenda which will decide the fate of the current Prime Minister. Advocates will passionately fight for their respective sides, which will decide our country's future. And as for the Judges, the Bench will have Ultimate Power to make a landmark decision which WILL alter India's history. A volatile agenda to discuss must surely get your nerves excited... What will be the twists in the tale? To know, we look forward to welcoming you to the only Indian Committee at SMUN 2019.


A chance to recreate history

The United Nations General Assembly is the executive of the UN. It is amongst the six principle organs of the UN. It is the main deliberative, policy-making, and representative organ of the UN. It is the largest committee with a lot more power coupled with representation to all 193 member nations of the UN. At SMUN 2019, as a historic UNGA, we will venture into the past, and rewrite history. Making attempts to prevent the cocain trade in Colombia, overrun by the Medellín and Cali cartels. Or tipping the scales in the ever so delicately balanced cold war proxy political scenario of the Soviet afghan war. Join us for an exhilarating game of bureaucracy.



1.   The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

This agenda gives the delegates to decide the fate of Afghanistan that was invaded by the Soviet Union. This invasion took place during the peak of the cold war so the decisions of the delegates will either take the world closer to a third world war or prevent it.

2.  Drug trafficking in South America

This agenda focuses on the  drug cartels in South America which is the primary source of drugs in most of the world. The delegates have to work towards controlling these cartels and deciding in whose hands the political power lies while preventing the loss of life in the process. The fate of millions lie in the hands of the delegates.

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